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Update on the South Lambeth Road Practice works:


Unfortunately, there have been significant delays in building works starting at South Lambeth Road Practice. We were initially asked to move out of our building and temporarily relocate to Akerman Health Centre in April 2022 with building works due to be completed over the following 9 months. This project is managed by Lambeth Commissioning Team who have been liaising with the contractors. They have informed us that there will be further delays due to construction complexities and working within their overall budget for the project.  The have reassured us that the agreed improvements will still go ahead during 2023, although to a later schedule than they had originally planned.
We apologise that our planned improvement work is taking much longer than we had originally expected. Had we known that the project would be so delayed we would have delayed our own move to Akeman Health Centre, which has been a very big undertaking for all of our staff and patients. We understand this may be disappointing and frustrating to our patients and we appreciate your patience while we work through the necessary details. We are still maintaining our full primary care service and are grateful to our patients for adapting to this situation, like we have had to do.
We have asked for updates regarding start and end dates for this project and will share these on our website as soon as we get them